Plymouth Rock Farm
Website: www.plymouthrockfarm.com
This grower uses synthetic fertilizers and/or pesticides.
This grower has a photo album.
We are a small vegetable and fruit grower that has more produce than we can sell through our roadside stand. We like to use natural fertilizers and crop rotation to eliminate or at least minimize chemical useage where ever possible.
Check us out on facebook. You can also email us to find out what is close to being ready at: plymouthrockfarm@gmail.com or on the web at +www.plymouthrockfarm.com+ or like us on facebook.
We have tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beets, carrots, squash(both summer and winter), rainbow chard, tomatillos, cabbage, Napa cabbage, melons, sweet corn, and pumpkins. Our apple crop looks very good this year as do our peaches,pears, blackberries native plums. The strawberries and cherries were also quite good. The apricots were a bit disappointing due to some of the late frosts. We have made some wonderful jams and jellies that are also available on the market.